Ruums Exploded In The Sky

It was already the happiest thing in my life finding out that EITS is taking a stop at Kuala Lumpur before heading to Taipei for a gig. Now that I get the chance to meet them live in-person, significantly watching them performing their melodious music filled with undeniable energetic stage presence and rocking attitude, gosh, I never would know how to define how my feelings are to this meaningful occasion, the happiestestestestest-fucking-day-of-my-life!!! Urm, ok, enough of that shit. Proceed we shall....

It started of with Munaf giving a little speech wishing all Chinese, Kung Hei Fatt Choy, then a little speech in Malay (and pronouncing it quite fine, respect!) while waiting for the rest of the hundreds which are still getting through the long queue into the club. And they started the show a while after.
I have not seen any other EITS shows before aside from the videos they have on the net, but I gotta say this, it's just like the rest of them I've watched - the same energy, the same enthusiasm, the same wisdom in playing their best show. Michael was making fantastic rhythms on his bass and guitar, Mark and Munaf improvising and delivering top-notch leads and riffs backing up with the rhythm, and Chris dropping some of the meanest and dopest beats making every feet on the floor thumping with maximized strength (at least I was, gosh, the tenant below must be cursing like hell, and no, the floor didn't crack).
EITS performed a couple of songs here and there, from their very first release How Strange, Innocence, to their latest All of A Sudden I Miss Everyone. Tracks like Yasmin The Light, Welcome, Ghosts, Greet Death and The Birth and Death of The Day. Terrific set. Adrenaline rush when the climax hits sky high - definitive mighty gigantic distortions on both guitars and bass, pairing up with those loud banging drums with splashing cymbals.
Michael was rocking a tee with a print that speaks 'Mono, You Die' with a pistol print in between the words. Hmmmmm... not that I dislike Mono, but, it's one FUCKING AWESOME t-shirt!!
The crowd went crazy when Munaf placed his guitar down, grabbed a pair of drumstick and started hitting on an extra snare along with Chris. He was so into it that he slipped the stick and hit someone upfront, but it was all worth it. He apologized with sincere regret and continued molesting his guitar.

One thing that get my nerves heat up was the pair of tally in front of me blocking the view. Some smart fuck to stand in front when he's like so fucking tall, to add things worse, he have to put on his fucked up wet market trucker cap on his big fat fucking head, and he's got one fucking long bush up there and it fucking stinks! So by any chance you're reading this, I forgive you. For the sake of Explosions In The Sky.

So! Here's some pictures taken with my shaky fingers. My bad. It's the matter of time we will get ourselves a digital SLR when we cover events.
To those who went for this gig, if you would like to share your views and thoughts, please do so at the comment box.
To conclude, a short message to the Texas boys, Terima Kasih for coming to us when we need you so badly, and hopefully we will see you again in the near future. And to those who didn't make it for the event, too bad...
Making things worsen for you, there was an autograph session outside the club thereafter. Unfortunately, I couldn't get one myself. Shame on me.

Hello sir, nice review.. i was there also :)
About MONO t-shirt.. that t-shirt is offcially release by MONO shop.. kewl t-shirt. I'v seen it @ their website!
Hey Reza,
Glad you like it. And thanks for the sufficient info you provided on the t-shirt.Or I still be mistakenly judging that EITS wants to kill Mono down! haha! TQ TQ~!
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