Tuesday, 13 March 2007

by madsaki


mural for CLOT office (HK)
crossover with CLOT
Madsaki. Born in Osaka Japan 1974. Moved to N.J/N.Y.C in 1980.Surfed his life as a N.Y.C Bicycle Messenger from 1999-2002.After 25 yrs in the U.S, he now lives and works in Tokyo.From 3D to paintings to words, his definition for Art can not be catagorized and has no boudaries."Anything goes! Life itself is about creating." MADSAKI says. He is well known as "The very first person to bring in the FIXED BIKE culture to the streets of Japan."
He did quite a few colaboration with brands like CLOT, Undercover, Intermission for CDG, X-Box and a few more.
source : madsaki.com

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