Dear And The Headlights - Drunk Like Bible Times

On September 30, the band will release their follow-up to their debut (Small Steps, Heavy Hooves), Drunk Like Bible Times through Equal Vision Records.
A quote by vocalist Ian Metzger in an interview, "I think part of the issue with the first record is that we demoed a bunch of songs, and we just demoed them to death......By the time we ended up recording the actual record, I had to go in and sing about stuff that I didn't even slightly relate to anymore. When we went into the studio and heard the polished version, we're like, 'Ugh! It's a little lifeless.' On this record, we didn't demo any of the songs. We let playing them out live kind of be the demo just by playing it out and remembering how it sounds live."
If you're considering bands like Third Eye Blind, Jimmy Eat World, Copeland and Brandtson, this is one of the selection that you won't wanna leave out.
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