mr. Gnome - Deliver This Creature

While comparisons vary, one thing is certain - the duo’s unique sound explores unpredictable shades of violence and intensity, while meshing the sludgy, reverberating monsoon of hardcore with the feminine. Its debut full-length CD, Deliver This Creature, hits stores May 6, 2008 on El Marko Records.
Guitarist/vocalist Nicole Barille and drummer Sam Meister began experimenting a few years ago with a sound based on minimalist instrumentation and the rigid dichotomy of soft vs. loud and masculine vs. feminine. Read the rest of the bio at Fanatic.
mr. Gnome is one of the brightest minimalist band I ever known. With just two members in the band, I see no reasons why you need more when you can make music like a four-piece or a five-piece band. It's about the way you make use of what you have. My personal thoughts. Don't agree? Comment and we'll go from there.
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