MMMBop trio returns with...

Their first single, Go was released last month on music video channels already. Go sounds awesome, but not too sure about the rest. The album is set to launch some time this week, so look out girls, and guys.
Check this out! Some real slick kicks in tribute to one of Japan's most celebrated young boxers, the Kameda 3 Brothers.
i have reported on Reza Salleh's EP previously. now, i present you the Smoke City video. The video was shot with the Nokia N-Series mobile phones. It's a low budget-constraint video. here it is....
a band can be quite complicated sometimes when it comes to opinions. and a band will somehow have problems when opinions among members differ. it happened to Dinosaur Jr. back then, but god knows how they solved their problems, the dinosaurs are back with their brand new album with their 'original' line-up consisting Joseph Mascis, Lou Barlow (Sebadoh) and Emmett Murhpy (Lemonheads). Beyond features 11 superb tracks by the trio. the video of their first single from the new album, Been There All The Time has already been released for viewing.
The album is set to release on May 1, 2007. Tour dates has already been lined-up and can be viewed on their official site. If by any chance the trio are performing somewhere near you, please take the chance to check them out because it's the 'original' trio that formed Dinosaur Jr. we're talking about here. it's a miracle that the trio reunited. "DINO! COME TO MALAYSIA!"
Marilyn Manson is set to release their new album Eat Me, Drink Me in June 6, 2007. The band has already seen releasing two tracks from their new album on their MySpace site, If I Was Your Vampire and Heart Shaped Glasses (When The Heart Guides The Hand).
Part one is year zero. Concept record. Sixteen tracks. All written and performed by me, produced / programmed by me and Atticus Ross, mixed by Alan Moulder, mastered by Brian "Big Bass" Gardner. Release date: April 17, 2007.
What's it about? Well, it takes place about fifteen years in the future. Things are not good. If you imagine a world where greed and power continue to run their likely course, you'll have an idea of the backdrop. The world has reached the breaking point - politically, spiritually and ecologically. Written from various perspectives of people in this world, "year zero" examines various viewpoints set against an impending moment of truth. How does it sound? You will hear for yourself soon enough, but given the point of this document is to provide information...
This record is much more of a "sound collage" than recent efforts from me.
what is so special about this chair? Pane Chair is inspired by the process of Bread making. Which mean this chair need to bake at certain degree in order to form the Pane Chair out.
it's a crazy but yet instersting creation by him. Smart!